Visitor Information

Visits from family and friends are essential to a patient's recovery and the quality of care for residents. At Riverside Health Care, we want to ensure that the time you spend visiting is not only enjoyable, but also safe and comfortable for everyone involved at all our facilities across the Rainy River District.

Our policies are dedicated to providing family-centered care by creating an environment that respects the needs of the patient and supports the important role that loved ones play in the healing process. We invite you to explore all that we have to offer, enjoy meals together, and create positive memories that can lead to positive outcomes. 

Please pay attention to our new visiting hours and important criteria. We ask that you do not visit if you feel unwell in any way, or have come into contact with anyone who has an infectious disease. In the case of outbreaks or other unforeseen situations, visiting hours may need to be restricted.

You can find forms to thank staff members who made your experience pleasant, or to voice concerns or complaints online.