Sets priorities and expedites an efficient aseptic set-up for each surgical procedure
Participates with the surgical patient and surgical team in the Surgical Safety Checklist
Applies knowledge and skills while anticipating and adapting to changes in the surgical procedure
Vigilant and attentive throughout the surgical procedure, and responds appropriately to complications and unexpected events
Uses a surgical conscience to monitor aseptic technique throughout the procedure
Performs the surgical count concurrently with the circulating perioperative Registered Nurse and accounts for all items prior to beginning surgery, intraoperative, prior to closure and final sponge/needle count.
Demonstrates extensive knowledge in identification and function of surgical instrumentation in MIS, general surgery, orthopaedic power tools & instrumentation and endoscopy.
Organizes, handles and secures sutures, needles and stapling device
Assists with draping patient for a variety of procedures as appropriate.
Identifies malfunction or breakage of surgical instruments and equipment, and responds appropriately to ensure patient and health care team safety
Identifies specimens appropriately to circulating personnel confirming type of testing required
Acts as the patient's advocate during the surgical procedure
Appropriately teaches and coaches learners throughout the surgical procedure
Promotes appropriate communication techniques to keep noise at a minimum
Dismantles the surgical set-up in a timely manner to contribute to an efficient ensuring all sharps removed.
Evidence of respiratory effort and rate, effective or not effective (chest rising), chest sounds
Management of hypoventilation: bag-mask-valve utilization, oral/nasal airway, positioning of the
patient to reduce obstruction, to increase lung expansion and to promote wakefulness
Advanced airway devices in place and management, removal, mechanical ventilation
Patient colour: circumoro-cyanosis or cyanosis of mucous membrane or skin
Skin assessment: diaphoresis, temperature using tactile monitoring
Oxygen saturation value (SpO2),
ECG monitoring, interpretation and intervention
Hemodynamic monitoring and interpretation (manual or electronically monitored)
Intraoperative course including type of anaesthetic/sedation agent or technique, other medications required, procedural intervention, blood loss, cardiac or respiratory complications, fluid balance, glucose monitoring and any other complications.
Evidence of hypothermia and management
Evidence of complications associated with hypovolemia or extreme blood loss: fluid management and resuscitation, including lines, IV sites and solutions
Monitoring of side effects of anaesthetic agents, adjuncts, analgesics and management of re-narcotization, hypotension, cardiac arrhythmias, sensory, motor functioning, level of consciousness
Symptoms of perianaesthesia related complications, such as laryngospasms, flash pulmonary edema, Malignant Hyperthermia (MH) symptoms, myocardial infarction (MI)
Knowledge of anatomy and physiology of intervention site and procedure performed and responses to intervention
Monitoring of neurological and renal changes compared to preoperative state
Collection of ongoing diagnostic and laboratory data as appropriate
Lab value interpretation turnover
- Physiological system review and assessment, along with surgical site assessment including dressings,
drains, tubes, catheters and reservoirs
- Management of pain and comfort measures: pain management and PONV interventions, sedation
- Documentation, interpretation and management of all vital signs at 5 minute intervals, including oxygen
saturation values, pain scale score.
- Fluid intake and output
- Monitoring and interventions to meet the psychosocial needs of the patient/family.
Documentation of assessment data, nursing diagnoses and nursing interventions, including ongoing application of discharge score level (using a scoring system) to anticipate in advance the timely
discharge to Phase II Recovery