Lab Services

The patient care programs at Riverside Health Care are supported by comprehensive Laboratory Services in a cooperative effort between RHC, Kenora, Thunder Bay and Toronto. Laboratory Services is committed to high standards. Our medical laboratory technologists analyze blood, body fluids and other specimens at the request of physicians, with results used to help diagnose, treat, monitor and prevent disease.

We provide a number of services for Emo, Rainy River and La Verendrye General Hospital, including:

  • Chemistry – chemical analysis of body fluids to access body function (Kidney Liver, Thyroid, Cardiac & Pregnancy
  • Hematology – the study of blood and blood producing tissues to diagnose conditions such as anemia, bleeding disorders, leukemia and myeloproliferative disorder.
  • Blood Bank – Immunohematology provides compatible blood and blood products.
  • Microbilogy – identify bacteria that cause infection and help determine antibiotics that will work or identify the “Super Bugs” that are resistant to many antibiotics.

Tests not done on site are referred to specialty labs in Kenora, Thunder Bay and Toronto.