Having a Baby

Riverside Health Care's La Verendrye Hospital in Fort Frances offers a number amenities for new parents, and makes every effort to make the labour and delivery experience as safe and comfortable as possible in a culturally safe environment. A woman in Active labour (regular contractions with progressive change in the cervix and cervical dilation of at least 4 cm) is admitted to a Labour & Delivery, Postpartum room with 1:1 nursing care provided.Pregnancies less than 36 weeks will be transferred to Thunder Bay Regional Hospital or Winnipeg HSC, depending on gestational age. If the baby is delivered in Fort Frances, transfer may occur following birth depending on how the baby is doing. There are many minor neonatal issues that can be managed locally, but occasionally even term newborns require transfer.

Comfort and Support

The birthing parent is encouraged to have one or more labour support persons. While Riverside does not limit the maximum number of support people, we reserve the right to ask excessive numbers of support people to wait elsewhere. This is because there are other patients on the ward who also require rest. Parents are encouraged to bring any items they desire during labour. This may include music, essential oils, personal pillows, birthing balls, and traditional medicines. There is religious and spiritual support available, including space for smudging, singing and drumming during early labour.

Rooming in

We encourage mothers and their partners to stay with baby in the room. This will help ease the transition to day/night routines and will help you to start adapting to your baby’s feeding cues.

Caesarean Sections

C-sections are available at La Verendrye Hospital should the need arise. If you undergo a c-section, you should expect to spend an additional day in the hospital.

Pain management

Options for pain control include laughing gas, intravenous medications and epidurals.Your nurse or Physician will assist you in choosing the most suitable method for your pain management, which will depend on what stage of labour you are in.

LVGH Obstetrical Practices

La Verendrye Hospital supports the following practices for their obstetrical patients:

  • Skin to Skin Contact: Both parents are encouraged to have direct contact with the baby right after delivery. This releases hormones that relieve stress and stabilize the baby’s temperature, breathing, hear rate and blood sugars.
  • Breastfeeding: New parents are educated on breastfeeding, including proper positioning, frequency and latching.
  • Postpartum Care: Following delivery, the birthing parent is taught how to properly care for themselves after birth.
  • Delayed Cord Clamping: By delaying cord clamping (>30 seconds), blood continues to flow from the placenta to the newborn after delivery.
  • Keeping the Placenta: Patients who wish to keep their placenta are welcome to bring it home with them following delivery.
  • Doulas: The nurses at LVGH will work together with doulas to support patients during the labour process.
  • Spiritual/Cultural Support: Riverside is committed not only to the physical health, but the overall well-being of our patients. Patients may request religious/spiritual or cultural services or the support of our Indigenous Care Coordinators.